The Ecomm Guys is a Shopify Experts digital marketing agency based in Ottawa.

They specialize in SEO, PPC, Facebook Ads management, and Shopify.

We interviewed Shannon Conheady, Founder & Ecomm Geek to find out how they empower online store owners to build a strong online presence. He also shares some marketing tips and talks about the best time to outsource marketing activities.
Let’s find out what he has to say!
1. How did you start The Ecomm Guys? What inspired you to start this business?
The Ecomm Guys was the case of the ‘accidental agency’. I was running e-commerce stores prior and had sold 3 businesses when people began to organically ask me to build them a Shopify store.
From there, referrals started snowballing, and people began requesting other services. We added rockstar team members when the demand was there for specific services.
2. How do you help Shopify store owners build a unique presence for themselves online?
We do everything from simple theme based store setups through to full custom sites & taking designs and translating them into the web. We also offer Google Ads, SEO, and Facebook ads management to help drive revenue.
3. At what point should new Shopify store owners outsource their marketing activities?
It really depends. Ideally, you have a product-market fit and some traction already. There is a lot of experimentation that goes into finding product-market fit and identifying your target market.
It’s more cost-effective if these are figured out before you outsource. We prefer to ‘pour gas on the fire’ and help clients scale, rather than start the fire ourselves so to speak.
4. What are some marketing tips you’d like to give Shopify store owners?
Tip 1: Start SEO early. This is a long term game and often overlooked
Tip 2: Start building your email list before you even launch
Tip 3: Start building your social channels before you even launch
Tip 4: Focus on LTV: It’s cheaper to keep a customer than to find a new one (most of the time), and increasing the LTV of a customer is the best way to increase profitability.
5. What are your future plans for The Ecomm Guys?
To continue helping as many merchants as possible get set up, migrate to, or scale their business on Shopify 🙂