What started as a small idea is now a full-fledged business.

Stories of entrepreneurs who started small and hustling their way to build a strong eCommerce business are always inspiring.
We spoke with Lisa Stewart, Founder of Aisling.
The word ‘Aisling’ means dream or vision and in Lisa’s case, this online store was both her dream and its success, her vision.
1. What is the story behind Aisling? What inspired you to start this business?
I started Aisling when I was in a rough patch in my life. I needed something to bring me income and so I thought ‘what better way to bring in money than buy a ready-made store, simply advertise and items worldwide and make money.’
Little did I know that running an online store takes more than that, more time than you think, energy, money, strategy, and planning.
I had to learn by spending a few months having not a single customer and making no profit at all.
I decided not to give up on it and even still today I am growing it, learning and improving wherever I need to, and most of all I am taking it more seriously like a real business should be taken.
2. Did the 2020 global crisis impact your business? How did you tackle those challenges?
The 2020 global prices was really a turning point for every business and even though Aisling was in the processing of growing, the crisis made it more difficult for it to be bigger and fast paces in growth as we wanted it to.
But what I learned is that for a business to survive needs to have specific people to tackle problems like the one we were faced with.
You can’t be a one-man worker, you need specialized people to help you plan and strategize which you can barely do due to fear that your business might collapse right in front of you.
You simply can’t do it alone, get help to run the business, experienced people, and that way you will learn more and grow your business in the process.
3. What are some of the marketing tactics that have worked best for your online store?
What the consumer needs.
You hear this all the time, but at times like the 2020 pandemic, you learn to study and know your audience. And you have to be fast at it before someone actually beats you at what could have been your next big thing.
Keep in touch with your audience and know them so well that whatever you give to them is bound to make them just buy because it is exactly what they need and want.
4. What are the future plans for www.aisling.store?
We plan for Aisling to grow to be an affordable (yet still with quality) platform to everyone.
I would also like to collaborate with well-known brands as well as new ones, but that is still yet to be discussed and evaluated.
It’s hard to distinguish yourself with so much competition but the main aim for us is to provide the consumer with everything on his/her need and exactly at the right time.
To know and deliver at exactly the right moment.
5. Why did you choose a .store domain name and how has it helped you build a great brand?
The reason I chose a .store domain is that it tells exactly what my business is about and what it is ‘a store’.
Having a domain name that is clear and straight to the point makes it easier for people to find it and remember it and it makes it more click-worthy.
I have had business-related offers regarding Aisling and I believe that it has to do with how easy it is for everyone to keep in mind and I am most definitely considered a retail and manufacturing business which is exactly what we are, and simply only because of a retail name.